Disclaimer. Most of these projects are provided under CECILL licence for free and personal use. Do not use these applications for illegal or commercial use but please contact the copyright owner for any other use.

C++ programming

  1. 2007 - CSAq : This algorithm builds a "Constrained Subsequence Automaton". This is an automaton accepting all subsequences from a set of strings, with a occurency number greater or equal to an user-specified integer q.

  2. 2008 - FIASCO : A data mining algorithm for finding frequent closed itemsets in databases and data streams.

  3. 2009 - SPAMS : A data mining algorithm for finding sequential patterns on streamming environment.

  4. 2010 - SALINES : A data mining algorithm for finding "Roller Coaster-Like" multidimensional sequential patterns in databases.

  5. 2008 - Dataset Format Convertor : DFC is a dataming tool written in C++. It can convert a dataset from a format to another.

Java programming

  1. 2005 - lpChat : A instant messenger program written in JAVA working on LAN and Internet.
  2. 2009 - gesTream : A data-stream generator written in JAVA by Samuel Vertueux and Lionel Vinceslas. It can generate random data streams or real data streams using CSV files. Some plugins are available to increase the integration of this DSMS to your aplications.
    >> You can get a presentation in (Vertueux, 2009).
  3. 2010 - Java Automaton Librairy : Java Automaton Librairy (JAL) is a set of classes for the implementation of deterministic finite state automata writen by Lionel Vinceslas in collaboration with Gaël Bardury.


  1. 2009 - sciteP : This package is a set of configuration files to customize the SCiTE text editor. It includes API files, Properties files, CHM files, etc..

PHP programming

  1. 2005 - WinMartinique : A commercial Homepage for online sales of tourist products.
    >> You can get a presentation in (Vinceslas, 2005).
  2. 2006 - mYbLOG : This is my first BLOG written in PHP4 using PEAR framework. Users can add/delete/update posts, add/delete/update comments, add/delete web links. Posts are sorted by month. Only text posts and comments are available. You can view a demo or download the last release by the following links.
  3. 2006 - NEMS : (NAGIOS Extended Monitoring System) This is a user friendly monitoring application for computer network, written in PHP5. A dashboard allows you to quickly view the status of each machine on the network, and generate mail alerts, etc.
    >> You can get a presentation in (Vinceslas, 2006).
  4. 2007 - UploadIt : This is a user friendly and fast application for upload and share files. You can quickly add users and manage their privileges.
  5. 2007 - Kréyòl : A platform for learning the Creole language, made for a young doctoral student. This Homepage is written in PHP4, and use JavaScript for the grammar exercices part.
  6. 2007 - GroupeCifed : Groupe Cifed enterprise Homepage.
  7. 2009 - AutoDolibarr : A set of specialized modules for self-entrepreneur. These modules work with the application Dolibarr, a free and open-source CRM/ERP. These modules (Caisse, AutoEntrepreneur) has been written by Samuel Vertueux and Lionel Vinceslas.
    >> You can get a presentation in (Vertueux, 2009).
  8. 2009 - DanCaribe : DanCaribe enterprise Homepage.
    >> You can get a presentation in (Caprice, 2010).