Disclaimer. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Moreover, these online courses are provided only for free and for a personal use. Do not use these information for illegal use but please contact the copyright owner for any other use.
My lessons are divided into the following classes :

Teaching assistant

  1. 2010 - I supervised the conception of an e-commerce website (for Company Dancaribe) made by 2 students in professional license of computer science (LPTDI) during a period of 2 month at the university (french spelled) "Université des Antilles et de la Guyane" -> more information
  2. 2009 - I supervised the conception of a webcaisse software made by a student in professional license of computer science (LPTDI) during a period of 3 months at Company Dancaribe -> more information
  3. 2009 - I supervised the conception of a DSMS (Data Stream Management System) software made by a student in professional license of computer science (LPTDI) during a period of 1 month at the university (french spelled) "Université des Antilles et de la Guyane" -> more information
